How to setup a shell to use IRC behind firewall help

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to setup a shell to use IRC behind firewall help
# 1  
Old 02-13-2008
How to setup a shell to use IRC behind firewall help

So, I have a free shell from an online provider which offer IRC access, I am behind a firewall blocking all IRC ports @ work, how can I use the Shell to get on IRC from work? What do I need to setup on the shell to be able to connect to the shell on the ssh port which allows connections from work, and then the shell to irc?

Diagram of what I am thinking in my head:

Work -> IRC 6667-7001 (blocked)

Work -> SSH Shell 22 -> Shell Connect to -> IRC port 6667 (port-forward connected)

What can I do in specific with my shell to be able to have this set up? What do I need to install, etc...
# 2  
Old 02-14-2008
Is my question to specific? Can any1 direct me to where I can ask in a more shell/irc specific forum?
# 3  
Old 02-14-2008
I am behind a firewall blocking all IRC ports
If you're behind a firewall, and it's working correctly, as it appears to be,
there's really nothing from the shell you can do. You'll need to unblock the right port(s) on the firewall for it to function.
# 4  
Old 02-14-2008
Originally Posted by KromiX
So, I have a free shell from an online provider which offer IRC access, I am behind a firewall blocking all IRC ports @ work, how can I use the Shell to get on IRC from work? What do I need to setup on the shell to be able to connect to the shell on the ssh port which allows connections from work, and then the shell to irc?

Diagram of what I am thinking in my head:

Work -> IRC 6667-7001 (blocked)

Work -> SSH Shell 22 -> Shell Connect to -> IRC port 6667 (port-forward connected)

What can I do in specific with my shell to be able to have this set up? What do I need to install, etc...
If I would be your boss I would fire you on the stop when I would find out you are trying this.

There is a good reason why your company blocked these ports.
# 5  
Old 02-15-2008
Originally Posted by sb008
If I would be your boss I would fire you on the stop when I would find out you are trying this.

There is a good reason why your company blocked these ports.

Actually I work in IS, just I haven't figured out how to to this with a shell and I know you can, there is no1 to catch me, besides myself and I'm not rattin myself out lol....

I can do this with my home PC as the middleman but I want to figure out how to do it with a shell...
# 6  
Old 02-15-2008
Originally Posted by KromiX
Actually I work in IS, just I haven't figured out how to to this with a shell and I know you can, there is no1 to catch me, besides myself and I'm not rattin myself out lol....

I can do this with my home PC as the middleman but I want to figure out how to do it with a shell...

IS? As in Internet Security? And you don't know how an ssh tunnel works? And you don't think you can get caught? He he.
# 7  
Old 02-15-2008
Originally Posted by System Shock
IS? As in Internet Security? And you don't know how an ssh tunnel works? And you don't think you can get caught? He he.
As in Information Services.

And there is no1 to catch me, I run the show, from a management level, do you think someone is going to report me to myself? I'm the one who gets the reports on connections etc... I just don't know how to do it with a Shell which is why I'm asking here, as I know how to do it with my home PC, but its bandwidth is not good enough for this cause its uploading/downloading all day....
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