Passing a parameter while calling a script

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# 1  
Old 02-12-2008
Passing a parameter while calling a script

Hello everyone

I was asked to pass a parameter in the calling of a script. IŽll have two parameters London and Birmingham and IŽll need to pass this because each of these will have a specific script however with the same name.

/home/script/loaddata.ksh Lond

/home/script/loaddata.ksh Birm

My question is how can I do it, and how can I configure the scripts?

Best Regards & Best luck for all

Rafael Buria
# 2  
Old 02-12-2008
I'm not sure what you mean, but when you want to compare the parameter passed in the script you should compare the $1 in the script (think this is very basic)..
so if this is what you want, you should do something like this:

if [ $1 == 'Lond' ]
... do something in London ...
else if [ $1 == 'Birm' ]
... something in Birmingham ....

But I think I misunderstood the question, so please explain a bit more.
# 3  
Old 02-13-2008
Hello Sir and thanks for the answer... ItŽs a little bit hard to explain what I want in this....

I need to make the call of some script and pass a parameter like a sad I have two of them Lond and Birm....I really do not know how to make this "call" of my script passing the parameter and I do not know how the script will understand that when I pass Lond it will run the script for London. The comparison I think that will be made inside the script but I donŽt know if IŽll have to use an auxiliar script to check the call....
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