Check if certain files exist in a directory, if not add name to a textfile

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Check if certain files exist in a directory, if not add name to a textfile
# 1  
Old 02-07-2008
Question Check if certain files exist in a directory, if not add name to a textfile

We recieve some logs on our windows box via FTP on a daily basis, in the same directory. I would like to check for missing logs files and add their name to a text file.

Something like...

Check if C:\logs\file1_currentdate exists (if not, add file1_currentdate to C:\missingfiles_currentdate.txt)

Check if C:\logs\file_currentdate exists (if not, add file1_currentdate to C:\missingfiles_currentdate.txt)

Check if C:\logs\file3_currentdate exists (if not, add file1_currentdate to C:\missingfiles_currentdate.txt)

Note: currentdate above is a variable for current date, and missingfiles_currentdate.txt does not exist, so it need to be created first time

It would be great if the above task can be accomplished through a batch file. However other alternatives as welcome as well.

Many Thanks,
# 2  
Old 02-07-2008
"C:\..." ??? Smilie

Which are the *NIX tools you are using on your Windows Box ?
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