Get count on different fields along the raws in a file

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# 8  
Old 02-09-2008
Thanks for all replying me.All answers that i got , i have tried it's working.

Thanks you again.
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ACL_INIT(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					       ACL_INIT(3)

acl_init -- initialize ACL working storage LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/acl.h> acl_t acl_init(int count); DESCRIPTION
The acl_init() function allocates and initializes the working storage for an ACL of at least count ACL entries. A pointer to the working storage is returned. The working storage allocated to contain the ACL is freed by a call to acl_free(3). When the area is first allocated, it shall contain an ACL that contains no ACL entries. This function may cause memory to be allocated. The caller should free any releasable memory, when the new ACL is no longer required, by calling acl_free(3) with the (void*)acl_t as an argument. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, this function shall return a pointer to the working storage. Otherwise, a value of (acl_t)NULL shall be returned, and errno shall be set to indicate the error. ERRORS
If any of the following conditions occur, the acl_init() function shall return a value of (acl_t)NULL and set errno to the corresponding value: [EINVAL] The value of count is less than zero. [ENOMEM] The acl_t to be returned requires more memory than is allowed by the hardware or system-imposed memory management con- straints. SEE ALSO
acl(3), acl_free(3), posix1e(3) STANDARDS
POSIX.1e is described in IEEE POSIX.1e draft 17. AUTHORS
Michael Smith Robert N M Watson BSD
January 28, 2000 BSD