Shell Scipting

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# 1  
Old 02-07-2008
Shell Scipting

Hi There,

I am new in UNIX I want to learn shell scripting please advice where should I start from, If anybody tell me how can I install a unix software from my windows XP I will be very greatful.

I apprechiate in advance!

# 2  
Old 02-07-2008
any good book ( sumitabha das 'll be a better choice ) for beginners, a box for practice and your curiosity.

for installation .. there are many step by step guides available on the web. just google it.

but if u are very new to unix .. thn i 'll prefer the installation in the presesance of some1 who knows..

also i suggest u to just install some third party software for practice which offers unix'bility on ur XP box... eg uwin ( google it )
# 3  
Old 02-07-2008
for unix environment on window, you can use cygwin. you can download it from Download Cygwin.

For learning shell scripting you can some tutorials -
How to write a shell script
Shell Scripting

you can find more on internet.

Dheeraj Gautam
# 4  
Old 02-07-2008
ubuntu has cd images that will not install on your M$ machine but will allow you to scope out Linux in all its radiant beauty =)

cygwin is also an option
# 5  
Old 02-07-2008
you can use cygwin for installation. for tutorials - have a look at following links
Shell Scripting
How to write a shell script
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