Directory Creation problem

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# 1  
Old 02-05-2008
Directory Creation problem


here is my script--
                if [[ $LFlag -eq 1 ]]; then
                        echo "Either option l or L should be given to $Programname"
                        echo "$Usage"
                        echo "$Programname is terminated"
                        return $ERR;
                if [[ $isBackUp -eq 1 ]];
                        if [[ ! -d $BackupLocation ]];
                                echo "Non-existant directory specified"
                                mkdir -p $BackupLocation >/dev/null 2>&1
                                if [[ $? = 0 ]];
                                        echo "$Programname creates the dirctory $BackupLocation"
                                        echo "$Programname could not able to create the directory $BackupLocation"
                                        return $ERR

                        echo "$Programname is executed with -l option without action mtBackup"
                        echo "$Usage"
                        echo "$Programname is terminated"
                        return $ERR

when i run this script through cronjob,then i am getting a directory creation problem.

supoose the directory name which i am giving is--

then my creates a directory called


when i run it through cron then it again creates the directory backup inside backup directory.I can see my script is like that only but i want to modify this,can you please give me some valueable inputs so that this problem can be resolved.

The outcome should be when i run the script through cron it should not create the dir inside the backup di,instaed it should take backup onlyin the dir /home/namish/backup.If you need any moreclarification then please let me know.


Last edited by namishtiwari; 02-05-2008 at 05:04 AM..
# 2  
Old 02-05-2008
I tried to remove the -p option also,but still the problem exists.give me some suggestions experts.

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