Want to replace characters

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# 1  
Old 01-29-2008
Want to replace characters


I have searched for a way to replace odd characters in a FOLDER NAME. All search-and-replace issues I have seen, only involves how to make search-and-replace on a FILE och with TEXT INSIDE a FILE. My problem is with the FOLDER NAME.

My case is this:
I have a couple of persons that every now and then uploads files that are contained in a folder. Sometimes the foldernames get screwed up resulting in odd characters such as ^,§,√,≈ and so forth, i.e.


I would like to replace that "^" to an "o" and get


How do I accomplish that?

# 2  
Old 01-29-2008
use ascii transfer mode while ftp'ng ur files...

for replacing.. sed 's/\^/o/g' file

# 3  
Old 01-29-2008
Originally Posted by anchal_khare
use ascii transfer mode while ftp'ng ur files...

for replacing.. sed 's/\^/o/g' file

Thankyou for the quick answer.

However, I am a newbie in shellscripting.
Could you please explain it in more details, I would be happy Smilie

# 4  
Old 01-29-2008
sure.. my pleasure ...
this is sed (stream editor) systex....
general syntec is s/what_to_find/from_what_to_replace/g

the value betweek the slashes may be a text/string or any regular expression ( google it if u dont know about this)

so since ^ has an special mening in regex.. s i escaped it with \.

Hope its clear...

# 5  
Old 01-29-2008
Originally Posted by anchal_khare
sure.. my pleasure ...
this is sed (stream editor) systex....
general syntec is s/what_to_find/from_what_to_replace/g

the value betweek the slashes may be a text/string or any regular expression ( google it if u dont know about this)

so since ^ has an special mening in regex.. s i escaped it with \.

Hope its clear...


OK, but am I not supposed to write a loop or echo folder statement? How should I write that?

Thanks in advance
# 6  
Old 01-29-2008
Originally Posted by arndorff
OK, but am I not supposed to write a loop or echo folder statement? How should I write that?

Thanks in advance
I imagine you could just copy the name of the directory then do
mv (paste folder name) newfoldername

In your case,
mv G^ran_F_080122 Goran_F_080122

Escape characters ( \ ) as necessary.
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