how to calculate busy hour

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting how to calculate busy hour
# 1  
Old 01-28-2008
how to calculate busy hour

Dear All,
please tell me any script which can able to calculate the bus hours by claculating the volume for example
hour volume
1 100
2 200
3 300
4 7000
5 50
6 80
7 77
8 77
9 165
10 888
11 99
12 89
13 33
14 676
15 878
16 90
17 56
18 11
19 123
20 144
21 155
22 177
23 190
24 19

busy hour is 4 because the maximum volume is 7000 at 4.

kinldy any body can give me the scirpt which can do this .
# 2  
Old 01-28-2008
Try this:

sort -n -k2 filename |  awk 'END{NF=$RS; print "BUSY HOUR="$1}'

# 3  
Old 01-28-2008
Dear All,

I am giving u the actual file but its seperated by "," comma.
all field actually separted by comma can u do this for this file

HOURS AccRq SucAcc FailAcc SucAccStart
0 18301 18301 0 18368
1 9412 9412 0 9452
2 7697 7697 0 7730
3 5060 5060 0 5068
4 3960 3960 0 3972
5 3837 3837 0 3851
6 5047 5047 0 5069
7 6102 6102 0 6124
8 8361 8361 0 8377
9 10183 10183 0 10206
10 14669 14669 0 14706
11 16577 16577 0 16622
12 12347 12347 0 12383
13 9040 9040 0 9067
14 8051 8051 0 8074
15 10818 10818 0 10792
16 20399 20399 0 20453
17 41259 41259 0 41514
18 36523 36523 0 36825
19 13581 13581 0 13734
20 12576 12576 0 12685
21 11332 11332 0 11432
22 13457 13457 0 13583
23 10898 10898 0 10996

output should be

i am calculating on the basis of second field which is accrq and the highest value is 41259 against that walue the hour is 17.
so kindly tell me the script which can give me the output

# 4  
Old 01-28-2008
Try this:

sed -n '2,$p' filename | sed 's/,/ /g' |sort -n -k2 |  awk 'END{NF=$RS; print "BUSY HOUR="$1}'

# 5  
Old 01-28-2008
thanx for ur support but when i am excuting ur statement it is not giving me any value.
the output will come like
so please kindly help me in this regard
# 6  
Old 01-28-2008
Please try this out..........

cat <<filename>> | sort -nr -t',' -k2 | head -1 | awk 'END{ print $1" :- is BUSY Hour"}'

Last edited by manas_ranjan; 01-28-2008 at 06:53 AM.. Reason: replace field separator from : to ,
# 7  
Old 01-28-2008
still its giving no value the output is some what like
:- is BUSY Hour
there is no value
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