how to calculate busy hour

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting how to calculate busy hour
# 8  
Old 01-28-2008
echo "Busy Hour = "`sort -k2nr file | sed q |awk '{print $1}'`

works to produce the outpit you requested...
# 9  
Old 01-28-2008
just modified a little bit

can u try it out
cat <<filename>> | sort -nr -t',' -k2 | head -1 | awk -F"," 'END{ print $1" :- is BUSY Hour"}'
# 10  
Old 01-29-2008

Just to inform you that i have tried your last given command and again its not returning any value.
Just displaying Busy Hour.

and regarding your previous command
echo "Busy Hour = "`sort -k2nr file | sed q |awk '{print $1}'`
when i am executing this one it will give me the wrong value instead of giving me the max value from 2nd col and should give the left most col value.

so please kindly check it again.

# 11  
Old 01-29-2008
I guess all the above solutions should work without any issues. I have tested mine and it works fine as well. Seems like it can be field seperator issue in the file which you are trying.
# 12  
Old 01-29-2008
but i am using the field sperator "," comma.
# 13  
Old 01-29-2008
Try this:

awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}NR==1{next}$2>m{h=$1;m=$2}END{print "BUSY HOUR = " h}' file

# 14  
Old 01-29-2008
thanx alot its working.
please if you dont mind can you explain me the last statement i cannot able to understand what is happening inside the awk like next,NR etc...
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