Column sum group by uniq records

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Column sum group by uniq records
# 1  
Old 01-26-2008
Column sum group by uniq records

Dear All,

I want to get help for below case.
I have a file like this.

saman 1
gihan 2
saman 4
ravi 1
ravi 2

so i want to get the result,

saman 5
gihan 2
ravi 3 like this.

Pls help me.

Thank you.
# 2  
Old 01-27-2008
What have you tried so far?
# 3  
Old 01-27-2008
This can be done using associative array in awk.

$ cat nayan.out
saman 1
gihan 2
saman 4
ravi 1
ravi 2

$ awk '{arr[$1]+=$2} END {for (i in arr) {print i,arr[i]}}' nayan.out > nayan.out.tmp

$ cat nayan.out.tmp
ravi 3
saman 5
gihan 2

This User Gave Thanks to jaduks For This Post:
# 4  
Old 01-28-2008
Dear Jadu,

Thank u ! it is working.

Thanks you again,

# 5  
Old 02-16-2009
Column sum group by uniq records

Hi Jadu,

I am new to unix and i have a similar requirement given below:

Input file:


Output file:
port1;p1; 100500
port2;p2; 5000

How can achive this? Any help on this regard is higly appreciated.

# 6  
Old 02-16-2009
Try below script ( Not tested)

awk -F ";" '{ arr[$1 ";" $2] += $3 } END {for (i in arr) {print i ";" arr[i] } }' inputfile

Last edited by Franklin52; 02-16-2009 at 07:13 AM.. Reason: a
# 7  
Old 02-16-2009
Hi Ranjith,
Thanks for the reply but this doesn't work....can we use like arr[$1 ";" $2]???

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