Convert each field to excel

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# 1  
Old 01-21-2008
Convert each field to excel

Hi Folks!!

I would like to convert each and every output of my query to the excel column wise. Let me give you an example

The first attachment (cr.jpg) is the one which i am getting out of a query and the fields are delimited with a '|' (pipe) symbol. I would like to convert each field into a separate row in the excel sheet.

I got inputs from some of our friends to convert using sed and tr (which worked), but where there are descriptions more than one line, the transformation to excel happens in the new line.

Assume, below is one row before transformation

10048|15144|CR 10048 QA Issue|In the below message
Sweeper Details Monitor 07/12/07

After transforming the same using sed/tr, it creates

Sweeper Details Monitor 07/12/07

in the second and third line. But actually, it should be within the 4th column and inside one cell in continuation with "In the below message". The sample excel is shown in excel.jpg.

Should i be more precise in my explanations? Kindly let me know for any clarifications
Convert each field to excel-crjpg
Convert each field to excel-exceljpg
# 2  
Old 01-21-2008
Try using using awk to convert to html, then load into excel....
awk 'BEGIN{
  print "<HTML><BODY><TABLE>"
    print "</TD></TR>"
  printf "<TR>"
    printf "<TD>%s</TD>", $i
  printf "<TD>%s", $NF
  printf "\n%s", $0
  print "</TD></TR>\n</TABLE></BODY></HTML>"
' file1 > file2.xls

Tested on file:


# 3  
Old 01-22-2008
thanks Ygor!! It did the magic Smilie

Could you also throw some light, how the same file can be converted to csv.. When i open the same file as csv, it is showing the tags names too, wherein it should show the same as xls

<TR><TD>Parent CR</TD><TD>ChildCR</TD><TD>Title</TD><TD>Description</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>10048</TD><TD>14950</TD><TD>CR 10048 QA Issue</TD><TD>The AutoSett xml message generated got rejected in dBCRis. </TD></TR>
<TR><TD>10048</TD><TD>15144</TD><TD>CR 10048 QA Issue</TD><TD>In the below message

Last edited by ganga.dharan; 01-22-2008 at 04:07 AM..
# 4  
Old 01-22-2008
hi to all !! can anyone help me out with a solution.. Thanks in advance
# 5  
Old 01-22-2008
You seem to have missed the point. The above script reads a pipe-delimited file and converts it to html. The html file is saved as an .xls file so that it can be opened in excel. To convert to csv, use "file >> save as >> csv" from excel.
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