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The following while statement loops through all the options and sets them to the corresponding variable. getopts returns true while there are options to be processed. The argument string, here “hw:e:u:m:d”, specifies which options the script accepts. If the user specifies an option which is not in this string, it sets $optionName to ?. If the option is succeeded by a colon, the value immediately following the option is placed in the variable $OPTARG.
while getopts "hw:e:u:m:d" optionName; do
case "$optionName" in
h) printHelpAndExit 0;;
d) debug="0";;
w) whatTowatch="$OPTARG";;
e) email="$OPTARG";;
u) startAtUid="$OPTARG";;
m) maxCpuUsage="$OPTARG";;
[?]) printErrorHelpAndExit "$badOptionHelp";;