scalar variable assignment in perl + { operator

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# 1  
Old 01-17-2008
scalar variable assignment in perl + { operator

When reading over some perl code in a software document, I came across an assignment statement like this

$PATH = ${PROJECT}/......./....

In this particular form of scalar variable assignment, what does the curly braces operators do ? Also, what is the benefit in doing scalar assignment this way ?

many thanks
# 2  
Old 01-17-2008
Surrounding the identifier with curly braces is more frequently seen in double-quoted strings to separate it from neighbouring text. For example,

"The time now is ${time}A.M."

This syntax also works outside strings, as you cited, but that is rarely needed and being most of the time redundant. It is there to support identifiers that start with a ^ sign, which is normally not allowed. However, I cannot think of any case that really needs to refer this kind of variables.

For more information, refer to

perlvar -
# 3  
Old 01-18-2008
my $cap = 53;
print "${cap}rd cap! \n";

53rd cap!

# 4  
Old 01-20-2008
thanks guys.
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