Trouble with awk

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# 1  
Old 01-17-2008
Trouble with awk

This is probably a fairly simple question but I cant seem to get it to work.

Im trying to multiply an entire column in a file by a variable in my bash script but just cant seem to get it to work with awk.

Here is what I'm trying

$varr is some value
$line is my file

awk '{print $1,$2*$varr}' $varr "$line"

It seems to print the $2*$varr 'th column instead of multiplying the $2 column by $varr

I've also tried such things as awk -v $varr the the rest of the stuff above, nothing seems to work.?
# 2  
Old 01-17-2008
awk '{print $1,$2*varr}' varr="$varr" "$line"

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