Failed to open output file Error

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Old 01-16-2008
Failed to open output file Error

Hi guys,
I Have written a script,In that it will call another file which contains the sql quaries.

while wxecuting that I am getting the below exception
01/16|06:28:06:16800: Operating System Error|Failed to open output file

Can anybody help me about this,,Its urgent
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CUBRID_ERROR_MSG(3)							 1						       CUBRID_ERROR_MSG(3)

cubrid_error_msg - Get last error message for the most recent function call

string cubrid_error_msg (void ) DESCRIPTION
The cubrid_error_msg(3) function is used to get the error message that occurred during the use of CUBRID API. Usually, it gets error mes- sage when API returns false as its return value. PARAMETERS
This function has no parameters. RETURN VALUES
Error message that occurred. EXAMPLES
Example #1 cubrid_error_msg(3) example <?php $conn = cubrid_connect("localhost", 33000, "demodb"); if (!@cubrid_schema($conn, 100000)) { printf("Error facility: %d Error code: %d Error msg: %s ", cubrid_error_code_facility(), cubrid_error_code(), cubrid_error_msg()); cubrid_disconnect($conn); exit; } ?> The above example will output: Error facility: 2 Error code: -10015 Error msg: Invalid T_CCI_SCH_TYPE value SEE ALSO
cubrid_error_code(3), cubrid_error_code_facility(3). PHP Documentation Group CUBRID_ERROR_MSG(3)