Thanks a lot, it worked perfectly :-)
But would you mind explaining those complex expressions used in the snippet
NR == FNR {_[$1] = _[$1] ? _[$1] RS $0 : $0; next }
While reading the first non empty input file (NR == FNR, by the way there is a patch for the latest GNU awk that enables support
for the new blocks BEGINFILE and ENDFILE that help avoid the problems with empty files),
build the associative array _ (you can use another name, if you wish ):
for every key ($1) concatenate the associated records.
The ?: is the ternary operator, so the code above implements the following logic:
So, given your example data, after the first input file is processed
the associative array _ contains the following keys/values:
The next statement forces awk to immediately stop processing the current record
and go on to the next record. This means that no further rules are executed
for the current record, and the rest of the current rule’s action isn’t executed .
[from the GAWK manual: Effective AWK Programming by Arnold Robbins]
Now processing the second input file.
If the first field matches a key in the _ array
evaluate the second part of the logical short-circuit operatorAND (&&):
concatenate RS and the value of the _[$1] to the current record,
i.e. print
Otherwise (|| is logical OR) trigger the default action
(which in awk is print the current record: 1 in boolean context is a synonym for true
(everything different than the null string "" and 0 is considered to be true).
I just tried following
ls *.dat|sort -t"_" -k2n,2|while read f1 && read f2; do
awk '{print}' $f1
awk FNR==1'{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,"*","*","*" }' OFS="\t" $f2
awk '{print}' $f2
donegot following result
18-Dec-1983 11:45:00 AM 18.692 84.672 0 25.4 24
18-Dec-1983 ... (3 Replies)
I have the urge to merge some files using unix shell script but I'm very new using this language and I haven't succeeded yet.
The requirement is to merge the header, body and footer into one file with the name "ANY-NAME" in below example. To identify which files should be merged, I have flagged... (9 Replies)
I have a data format as follows:
Ind1 0 1 2
Ind1 0 2 1
Ind2 1 1 0
Ind2 2 2 0
I want to use AWK to have this output:
Ind1 00 12 21
Ind2 12 12 00
That is to merge each two rows with the same row names.
Thank you very much in advance for your help. (8 Replies)
How I can merge two file columns such as the followings using awk:
file 1
2 3
2 2
1 1
file 2
4 3
4 5
7 6
2 3 4 3
2 2 4 5
1 1 7 6
This is an example, at the end, I will have about 25 files that I want to merge them, it is important for me that the order in the... (7 Replies)
I am trying to merge data from two text files. One file (File1) contains a listing of data which includes the trial number in Column 5, while the other text file (File2) contains what category the trial belongs to.
Here is a snippet of what File1 looks like.
1 Arrow_ST 9.738 0.905... (2 Replies)
I want to write a scrpit to merge files row wise (actually concatinating)
file 1
file 2
1 2 3
now i want the script to check if the file1 is empty or not, if empty then make it like
1 2 3
again to check if second file is empty if not do as done... (0 Replies)
1. if the 1st row IDs of input1 (ID1/ID2.....) is equal to any IDNames of input2
print all relevant values together as defined in the output.
2. A bit tricky part is IDno in the output. All we need to do is numbering same kind of
letters as 1 (aa of ID1) and different letters as 2 (ab... (4 Replies)
i have try , but i think i will never learn awk :(
now i have 2 files :
for all lines where a.$2 == b.$1
i want to compare a.$3 != b.$2 if true then set err=1 if false set err=0
and print all lines from file a +... (2 Replies)
Hi there,
I have a couple of files I need to merge. I can do a simple merge by concatenating them into one larger file.
But then I need to filter the file to get a desired result.
The output looks like this:
TRNH 0000000010941
ENDT 1116399 000000003... (2 Replies)