how to divide single large log file into multiple files.

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# 1  
Old 01-15-2008
how to divide single large log file into multiple files.

Can you please help me with writing script for following purpose.
I have to divide single large web access log file into multiple log files based on dates inside the log file.
For example:
if data is logged in the access file for jan-10-08 , jan-11-08 , Jan-12-08
then make small log file only for that specific date so that it would be easily readable.

The size of the access log file is 500mb so it can't be open in vi editor either.

Thanks in advance!!
# 2  
Old 01-15-2008
here we go...

for i in jan-10-08 jan-11-08 jan-12-08 ; do grep "$i" logfile > $i.log; done

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