Redirecting <talk> output to a file

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# 1  
Old 01-14-2008
Redirecting <talk> output to a file

Is it possible to run <talk> such that both sides of the conversation are written to the screen and also to a file?

I use the utility to chat with collaborators and sometimes it would be nice to have a record of our conversation while we are problem solving.

I am running OS X, so <talk> runs in a bash shell. I'd imagine that I want to redirect/pipe the output to a file, but to be useful, it still needs to go to stdout/tty.

# 2  
Old 01-14-2008
It sounds like you want to use the 'script' command
# 3  
Old 01-15-2008
Thanks Smiling Dragon,
How would I link the <talk> and <script> commands? The <script> man page isn't too helpful, but it does say that <script> isn't good with commands that manipulate the screen.

Can I just pipe <talk> to <script>?

talk you@there | script -a ourlogfile

# 4  
Old 01-15-2008
I normally just start script first, then run whatever it is I want logged. When finished, ctrl-D to end script.
# 5  
Old 01-21-2008
Thank you,
I will try that.
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