Restore files by lines number!

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Restore files by lines number!
# 8  
Old 01-06-2008
Originally Posted by rikxik
Of course we can put some additional checks for empty directories - left as an exercise for OP Smilie
The reason using that style is to take care of file names with spaces. Of course, if the ls method can do that, then that's fine. Smilie
# 9  
Old 01-07-2008

Of course, the ls way cannot deal with spaces. So lets do this:


PS3='Enter your choice: '
[ "$(echo $trashdir/*)" = "${trashdir}/*" ] && echo "No trash" && exit
select fname in $trashdir/* $quitstr ; do
        [ "${fname}" = "${quitstr}" ] || [ "${fname}x" = "x" ] && break
        mv "${fname}" . || echo "Error moving file $fname to `pwd`"


$ ls -ltr trash
total 0
-rw-r-----   1 sdass    informix       0 Jan  7 04:23 file with spaces
-rw-r-----   1 sdass    informix       0 Jan  7 04:23 c
-rw-r-----   1 sdass    informix       0 Jan  7 04:23 b
-rw-r-----   1 sdass    informix       0 Jan  7 04:23 a

1) ./trash/a
2) ./trash/b
3) ./trash/c
4) ./trash/file with spaces
5) exit
Enter your choice: 4
$ ls -ltr "file with spaces"
-rw-r-----   1 sdass    informix       0 Jan  7 04:23 file with spaces

$ rm -fr trash/*
$ ls -ltr trash
total 0
No trash

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