sed, date and /&

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# 1  
Old 01-01-2008
sed, date and /&


$ echo 1 titi | sed -e "s/1/$(echo \&)/"
1 titi


$ echo 1 titi | sed -e "s/1/$(date \&)/"
date: invalid date `&'

how can i do for handle '\&' with date ?

# 2  
Old 01-01-2008
What exactly are you trying to achive with this code?
# 3  
Old 01-19-2008
Use case is not important, this is just one example.

I just wanna use the seed replacement special character & with the date command, like with echo.
# 4  
Old 01-19-2008
You are passing an invalid argument to the date utility as in "date 1", hence the error.

$ echo 1 titi | sed -e "s/1/$(date \&)/"
date: illegal time format
usage: date [-ajnu] [-d dst] [-r seconds] [+format]
       date -b [-ajnu] [-d dst] [-t west] [+format] [[[[[[cc]yy]mm]dd]HH]MM[.SS]
       date [-ajnu] [-d dst] [-t west] [+format] [mmddHHMM[[cc]yy]]

# 5  
Old 01-20-2008
fpmurphy, thx for the reply.

With a good argument, that still doesn't work for me.

echo 01201300 titi | sed -e "s/01201300/$(date \&)/"

date: invalid date `&'

GNU bash, version 3.2.25(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
# 6  
Old 01-20-2008
Do you want an output line this?

$ echo 08150000 titi | sed "s/08150000/$(date &)/"
Fri Aug 15 00:00:08 WEDT 2008 titi

This will change the machine's date Smilie

Last edited by radoulov; 01-20-2008 at 11:07 AM..
# 7  
Old 01-20-2008
sncr24, your question does not make sense. That's why we cannot answer it.
$ echo 1 titi
1 titi
$ echo 1 titi | sed "s/1/&/"
1 titi

Those 2 command lines have the same output because the sed command makes no change to the text. The ampersand represents the matched field. Normally, you might do something like this...
$ echo 1 titi | sed -e "s/1/=&=&=/"
=1=1= titi

Getting back the the original sed command, which already does nothing, you can replace one of the characters in the sed command with an echo statement and that is what you did with
$ echo 1 titi | sed -e "s/1/$(echo \&)/"
1 titi

This continues to give the same output as a simple "echo 1 titi" but it watses even more time. Replacing the echo statement with an invocation of date is even more strange, but it can be done because "date" can be forced to behave a little bit like "echo".
echo \&
date +\&
both output a single ampersand. So both
echo 1 titi | sed -e "s/1/$(echo \&)/"
echo 1 titi | sed -e "s/1/$(date  +\&)/"

are ways to construct a sed command that will not do anything. But even though we got date to behave a liitle bit like echo, this won't be possible with all of the other unix commands.

I do not know what you are try to do, but I hope this helps move you toward fufilling your requirements. (Whatever they may be...) Smilie
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