Script to search a bad record in a file then put the record in the bad file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Script to search a bad record in a file then put the record in the bad file
# 1  
Old 12-28-2007
PHP Script to search a bad record in a file then put the record in the bad file

I need to write a script that can find a bad record (for example: there is date field colom but value provided in the file for this field is N/A) then script shoud searches this pattern and then insert the whole record into the bad file.



Name designation dateOfJoining
Shilendra SE 12/28/2007
Brijesh SE 12/25/2007
Sunil JSE N/A
Pankaj SE 12/20/2007
Manish SE N/A
Akhilendra SE 11/20/2007

Then after running the script the file should be like


Name designation dateOfJoining
Shilendra SE 12/28/2007
Brijesh SE 12/25/2007
Pankaj SE 12/20/2007
Akhilendra SE 11/20/2007

And bad file will contain the record for which date was N/A


Name designation dateOfJoining
Sunil JSE N/A
Manish SE N/A

Pls help me out as soon as possible.

# 2  
Old 12-28-2007
You can use grep, check the manpage.

# 3  
Old 12-28-2007
awk '{print > ( $3=="N/A" ) ? "bad_file" : "tmp" }' file1
mv tmp file1

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