porting shell script from Linux to AIX.

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# 1  
Old 12-26-2007
porting shell script from Linux to AIX.


I am porting one shell script from Linux to AIX. I had .ksh file and i have changed it to .sh file for aix. on linux this script is running fine but on aix it gives me "unexpected end of file" error.

Could any one suggest me what to do to port this script error free?

Thanks in advance!!

# 2  
Old 12-27-2007
Changing the extension of a file does not change what shell executes it. You need to change the first line. Fyi - sh and ksh are the same thing on AIX.

How did you transfer the file over? Did you FTP in binary mode by any chance?

What does the output of file yourscript.sh return?

What does the output of cat -v yourscript.sh return?
Do you see embedded characters?
# 3  
Old 12-27-2007
Originally Posted by joy_1

I am porting one shell script from Linux to AIX. I had .ksh file and i have changed it to .sh file for aix. on linux this script is running fine but on aix it gives me "unexpected end of file" error.

Could any one suggest me what to do to port this script error free?

Thanks in advance!!

show the scripts
# 4  
Old 12-27-2007
thanks for ur reply frank!

I did change the first line from #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/ksh.
i transfered the file over ftp only and in binary mode.
when i execute the file it says -
unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``'
syntax error: unexpected end of file

though i have not changed anything in the file.

there are no extra embedded characters in the file.
# 5  
Old 12-27-2007
run ksh -n script.ksh

This should give you the line where the syntax error is

can you post the entire script?
# 6  
Old 12-27-2007
I dont think i am allowed to put this script over net. this is not a single script file. it calls many other files also.
the line where it gave me error was an echo statement.

echo "DEBUG(gcFunc): TEST_DIR --> ${TEST_DIR}"

the error is :
Syntax error at line 537 : `>' is not expected.

if i remove this '>' from the statement it gives me error in another echo statement-
echo "${scriptname} -c <cluster-alias> -t <tester-name> -a <application-template> [-i <wls-jdk-home>]"
saying-Syntax error at line 656 : `<' is not expected

and even after removing '<' from line 656, it gives error in the following line-
Syntax error at line 707 : `"' is not matched

but i can not remove this line.
i have searched whole file for any unmatching ' " '. but there is'nt any.
# 7  
Old 12-27-2007
Perhaps you have somehow converted into DOS format?
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