Using Output from one command as input to another

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# 1  
Old 12-26-2007
Using Output from one command as input to another

This site has been very helpful thus far.. I thank you all in advance for sharing the knowledge. Let me get to it.

I am trying to write a very small script to take away from the boredom of doing the same thing over and over.

Everynow and again I have to get the hex value of a file using a d2h. I wrote a one line wrapper around it so that I would have to create symlinks or change directories and I needed to brush up anyway.

/xxx/xxxx/bin/d2h $1

Automatically the output is sent to my screen. How can I change that so that I can just pull that output and add this line into my script so that I can kill 2 birds with one stone??:

cd /xxx/xxxx/data
find . -name \*$OUTPUTFROMLAST COMMAND\* -ls

Please excuse my lack of challenge to some of you, I have been out of the industry for 3 years... I am trying to get this stuff to come back to me.

THanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 12-26-2007
fname=$( /path/to/d2h $1)
cd /xxx/xxxx/data
find . -name '*'$fname'*' -ls

# 3  
Old 12-26-2007
I love this place,
I cant thank you enough!!!!!! Seasons greetings
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