The second post in this thread is spam. All of the other posts that I looked at by the same user are also spam.
Don't know if the individual reply can be scratched,... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: agama
2 Replies
3. Forum Support Area for Unregistered Users & Account Problems
Hi, I joined yesterday and posted a thread and received emails from people suggesting solutions. My problem is that when I tried to access my posting this morning by clicking on the link in an emial, it said I wasn't registered and I had to re-register and I can't find my posting. The emial I... (1 Reply)
to the moderators of this site...
i posted a question several weeks ago about a egep -e if you look through my posts you will see that my question was fully plausible as a reasonable post that could have been answered even it was to say that I should search the man pages myself and find the... (4 Replies)