ftp: get list of file to get. Retrieve and move them

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting ftp: get list of file to get. Retrieve and move them
# 8  
Old 12-16-2007
That will do nicely.
# 9  
Old 12-16-2007
May wanna check this script too, it uses lftp instead.
# 10  
Old 12-17-2007
I need a little bit of help from you. I have a similar task, well maybe not. Anyway. I have a list of files that I need to get from an ftp server. I cannot figure out how to parse that list and have it read into my ftp script. Your script is the closest that I have come to finding the answer, but I am not clear on how to actually make this work. I have tried a loop, but seeing that I am already inside of the ftp code block when I try this:

while read line; do "$file"; done < <(cat filename.txt)

My script works fine if I want to download 1 file at a time, but I have about 35 specific files that need to be downloaded.

I am truly lost, please help me if you can. I hope this is clear, I have been out of the industry for 2 yeas and i am just getting back into the saddle, Im a bit rusty.

Thanks in advance.

Originally Posted by bbabr
That did the job!

I managed to get the file list, create the todo.lst and run it. One thing I found, though, is that you have to delete the todo.lst after running the script. If not, the next time you run it, it will append to the file.

Below is the script I have. Any comments and suggestions on making it better would be greatly appreciated.

# change local directory
cd [local-directory]

#collect file names
ftp -ni ftp.abccompany.com <<EOF
user [user] [password]
cd /OUT
mls W945*.* list.txt 

# create ftp action list
echo >>todo.lst user [user] [password]
while read N
    echo >>todo.lst cd /OUT
    echo >>todo.lst get $N
    echo >>todo.lst rename $N ARCHIVE/$N
done <list.txt

echo >>todo.lst quit

# ftp transfer process
ftp -nv ftp.abccompany.com <todo.lst

# cleanup
rm todo.lst

Thanks again!
# 11  
Old 06-24-2009
Perfect job
thank you
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