Delete a block of text delimited by blank lines when pattern is found

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Delete a block of text delimited by blank lines when pattern is found
# 15  
Old 12-15-2007
Originally Posted by radoulov
Post a sample from your (real) file.
gawk '!/initials: 1/' ORS="\n\n" RS= myfile

Here's a sample of myfile where the second block should be deleted because of the pattern - initials: 1
dn: cn=LMP0330,ou=People,o=myOrg
destinationIndicator: FR
initials: 0
givenName: LMP0330
fullName: LMP0340 LMP0330
Language: FR
title: Mr
sn: LMP0340
postalCode: B106
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: Person
objectClass: ndsLoginProperties
objectClass: Top
loginTime: 20070303204107Z
description: LMP0330
cn: LMP0330
ACL: 2#subtree#cn=LMP0330,ou=People,o=myOrg
 #[All Attributes Rights]
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0330,ou=People,o=myOrg#l
ACL: 2#entry#[Public]#messageServer
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#groupMembership
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0330,ou=People,o=myOrg#p
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#networkAddress

dn: cn=LMP0339,ou=People,o=myOrg
destinationIndicator: BE
initials: 1
givenName: LMP0339
fullName: LMP0339 LMP0339
Language: NL
title: Mr
sn: LMP0339
street: bourget
postalCode: 1060
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: Person
objectClass: ndsLoginProperties
objectClass: Top
loginTime: 20070303204102Z
cn: LMP0339
ACL: 2#subtree#cn=LMP0339,ou=People,o=myOrg
 #[All Attributes Rights]
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0339,ou=People,o=myOrg#l
ACL: 2#entry#[Public]#messageServer
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#groupMembership
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0339,ou=People,o=myOrg#p
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#networkAddress

dn: cn=LMP0340,ou=People,o=myOrg
destinationIndicator: GB
initials: 0
givenName: LMP0340
fullName: LMP0340 LMP0340
Language: EN
title: Mr
sn: LMP0340
street: Waverley
postalCode: SE25
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: Person
objectClass: ndsLoginProperties
objectClass: Top
loginTime: 20070303204107Z
description: LMP0340
cn: LMP0340
ACL: 2#subtree#cn=LMP0340,ou=People,o=myOrg
 #[All Attributes Rights]
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0340,ou=People,o=myOrg#l
ACL: 2#entry#[Public]#messageServer
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#groupMembership
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0340,ou=People,o=myOrg#p
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#networkAddress

# 16  
Old 12-15-2007
Using copy/paste from your post it gets deleted:

zsh-4.3.4-dev-4% cat data                                
dn: cn=LMP0330,ou=People,o=myOrg
destinationIndicator: FR
initials: 0
givenName: LMP0330
fullName: LMP0340 LMP0330
Language: FR
title: Mr
sn: LMP0340
postalCode: B106
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: Person
objectClass: ndsLoginProperties
objectClass: Top
loginTime: 20070303204107Z
description: LMP0330
cn: LMP0330
ACL: 2#subtree#cn=LMP0330,ou=People,o=myOrg
#[All Attributes Rights]
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0330,ou=People,o=myOrg#l
ACL: 2#entry#[Public]#messageServer
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#groupMembership
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0330,ou=People,o=myOrg#p
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#networkAddress

dn: cn=LMP0339,ou=People,o=myOrg
destinationIndicator: BE
initials: 1
givenName: LMP0339
fullName: LMP0339 LMP0339
Language: NL
title: Mr
sn: LMP0339
street: bourget
postalCode: 1060
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: Person
objectClass: ndsLoginProperties
objectClass: Top
loginTime: 20070303204102Z
cn: LMP0339
ACL: 2#subtree#cn=LMP0339,ou=People,o=myOrg
#[All Attributes Rights]
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0339,ou=People,o=myOrg#l
ACL: 2#entry#[Public]#messageServer
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#groupMembership
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0339,ou=People,o=myOrg#p
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#networkAddress

dn: cn=LMP0340,ou=People,o=myOrg
destinationIndicator: GB
initials: 0
givenName: LMP0340
fullName: LMP0340 LMP0340
Language: EN
title: Mr
sn: LMP0340
street: Waverley
postalCode: SE25
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: Person
objectClass: ndsLoginProperties
objectClass: Top
loginTime: 20070303204107Z
description: LMP0340
cn: LMP0340
ACL: 2#subtree#cn=LMP0340,ou=People,o=myOrg
#[All Attributes Rights]
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0340,ou=People,o=myOrg#l
ACL: 2#entry#[Public]#messageServer
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#groupMembership
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0340,ou=People,o=myOrg#p
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#networkAddress
zsh-4.3.4-dev-4% awk '!/initials: 1/' ORS="\n\n" RS= data
dn: cn=LMP0330,ou=People,o=myOrg
destinationIndicator: FR
initials: 0
givenName: LMP0330
fullName: LMP0340 LMP0330
Language: FR
title: Mr
sn: LMP0340
postalCode: B106
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: Person
objectClass: ndsLoginProperties
objectClass: Top
loginTime: 20070303204107Z
description: LMP0330
cn: LMP0330
ACL: 2#subtree#cn=LMP0330,ou=People,o=myOrg
#[All Attributes Rights]
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0330,ou=People,o=myOrg#l
ACL: 2#entry#[Public]#messageServer
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#groupMembership
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0330,ou=People,o=myOrg#p
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#networkAddress

dn: cn=LMP0340,ou=People,o=myOrg
destinationIndicator: GB
initials: 0
givenName: LMP0340
fullName: LMP0340 LMP0340
Language: EN
title: Mr
sn: LMP0340
street: Waverley
postalCode: SE25
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: Person
objectClass: ndsLoginProperties
objectClass: Top
loginTime: 20070303204107Z
description: LMP0340
cn: LMP0340
ACL: 2#subtree#cn=LMP0340,ou=People,o=myOrg
#[All Attributes Rights]
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0340,ou=People,o=myOrg#l
ACL: 2#entry#[Public]#messageServer
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#groupMembership
ACL: 6#entry#cn=LMP0340,ou=People,o=myOrg#p
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#networkAddress


What is the output from this command:

awk '!/initials: 1/' ORS="\n\n" RS= data|fgrep initial

# 17  
Old 12-15-2007
What is the output from this command:

awk '!/initials: 1/' ORS="\n\n" RS= data|fgrep initial

nothing at all (after replacing data with myfile).
hmm...looks like my gawk (and awk) is broken on my linux box.

And thanks for all your patience and help. I will try it when I get back to work on Monday and hopefully it will work.
# 18  
Old 12-16-2007

Try follow one. It should be ok.
a A
b B
c C
d D

e E
f F
g G
h H

i I
j J
k K 
l L

a A
b B
c C
d D

e E
f F
g G
h H

a A
b B
c C
d D

awk 'BEGIN{
if ($0 !~ /pattern/)
print ""
}' filename

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