$HOME Not Getting Set for Oracle Scheduler Script at Runtime

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting $HOME Not Getting Set for Oracle Scheduler Script at Runtime
# 1  
Old 12-13-2007
$HOME Not Getting Set for Oracle Scheduler Script at Runtime

We are researching the possibility of using Oracle 10g Scheduler on Solaris 10 to launch scripts at our site, and the script that I am testing does not get $HOME (and other environment variables) set correctly. Here is the Korn shell script (show_info.ksh):

env | sort

Here is the output from the script when it is executed interactively (I removed the extraneous Oracle variable displays for brevity):

. ./show_info.ksh
+ id
uid=100(oracle) gid=1978(dba)
+ sort
+ env

Here is the output from the script when it is executed by cron-this appears to be running the Bourne shell, despite the Korn bang line, correct?:

+ id
uid=100(oracle) gid=1978(dba)
+ sort
+ env

Here is the output from the script when it is executed by Oracle Scheduler (dbms_scheduler)-this is what I'm trying to “fix:”

uid=100(oracle) gid=1978(dba)

  1. Which shell is running when the script is launched by Oracle Scheduler?
  2. How can I get $HOME to be defined correctly?

# 2  
Old 12-13-2007
You may need to export all the variables so child processes will see them.
# 3  
Old 12-13-2007
Originally Posted by porter
You may need to export all the variables so child processes will see them.
Where does $HOME get set during a process login?
# 4  
Old 12-13-2007
Originally Posted by shew01
Where does $HOME get set during a process login?
I thought "login" would do it. Smilie

The traditional sequence is init -> getty -> login -> shell.

cron is lightweight and doesn't do a full log in, it sort of just impersonates the user.
# 5  
Old 12-14-2007
Originally Posted by porter
The traditional sequence is init -> getty -> login -> shell.
Can you elaborate a bit--I don't understand what you mean. Can you specifiy the file names that are called during the login process?

Originally Posted by porter
cron is lightweight and doesn't do a full log in, it sort of just impersonates the user.
Apparently, Oracle Scheduler is even more lightweight. It barely impersonates the user. Smilie

I can hardcode some syntax to get around this problem, but we'll need to "rip and replace" a bunch of code if the user changes in the future, or if the disk farm changes, or if whatever else changes.... I'd like to keep the configuration generic and let the system to figure out $HOME at a minimum, and it would be nice if it would populate $SHELL too. From there, I should be able to source whatever other scripts that I need.

Is there a way to figure out which shell is running when $SHELL is not populated?
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