How to insert a string at the end of a file read

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# 1  
Old 12-10-2007
How to insert a string at the end of a file read


This thread is an extension of the post I posted in another folder for Unix Dummies.

I am actually trying to read all the files in a folder, let say folder A.

There are alot of .txt files in this folder where I have sed them and translate to numeric elements.

For example:-
I have 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,.......

Firstly, I have problem where I would like to insert a string "test" for the last element of each file read; lets say:-


Second, I would like to insert a newline character before next file is read similarly.

Please advise. Thanks.

# 2  
Old 12-10-2007

Originally Posted by ahjiefreak

This thread is an extension of the post I posted in another folder for Unix Dummies.

I am actually trying to read all the files in a folder, let say folder A.

There are alot of .txt files in this folder where I have sed them and translate to numeric elements.

For example:-
I have 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,.......

Firstly, I have problem where I would like to insert a string "test" for the last element of each file read; lets say:-


Second, I would like to insert a newline character before next file is read similarly.

Please advise. Thanks.

I am not sure about your requirment..But
I hope END in gawk/nawk script will do your first requirment ..

# 3  
Old 12-11-2007
awk 'FNR == 1 && NR > FNR { print "" } { print $0 ",test" }' *.txt

# 4  
Old 12-11-2007
How about this for recursively modifying files..

for temp in `find ./A -name  "*.txt"`
        gawk -v file=$temp '
              END{printf "test" >>  file}
        ' $temp

# 5  
Old 12-11-2007
Hi reborg,

Thanks for the input. I tried to simulate them when I have a file described.

Could you explain to me what these does ; I understand that
FNR stands for current record number in filename which is 1
However, i do not understood why NR>FNR . Is that for inserting a new line which is {print ""} ?

awk 'FNR == 1 && NR > FNR { print "" } { print $0 ",test" }' *.txt

Actually, my file structure is originally not from the format of 0,0,0,0,1,0,0.

Rather, I have a C file where I extract the first field of all the files
and arranged into the above mentioned format. Below is the code from my original file to the above mentioned format.

cat b*.txt| sed 's/^[ ]*//' |sed 's/^-/0/'|sed 's/^#####/0/'|sed '/^[^0-9-]/d'|tr ':' "," |awk ' {

printf ("%s",$1);

}'>> output.txt

I tried to apply the code that you pointed to me in this scenario but it doesnt allow to work.

Please advise. Appreciate alot. Thanks.

# 6  
Old 12-11-2007

from the above code,

I tried something like this:-

cat b*.txt| sed 's/^[ ]*//' |sed 's/^-/0/'|sed 's/^#####/0/'|sed '/^[^0-9-]/d'|tr ':' "," |awk '{printf ("%s",$1);}'| awk 'FNR == 1 && NR > FNR { print "" } { print $0 ",test" }' >>output.txt

However, given I have two files, the "string" of "test" is only appended at the end of reading these files. Any idea how to break the file apart to that new line and "test" can be inserted?Thanks.

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