how to send contents of a file to email as a message

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# 1  
Old 12-07-2007
how to send contents of a file to email as a message

i have a file new1.txt
i want to send the contents of that file as a message to email

i m using ksh script.........

plz help me
# 2  
Old 12-07-2007
Originally Posted by ali560045
i have a file new1.txt
i want to send the contents of that file as a message to email

i m using ksh script.........

plz help me

use following ...

Subject="mailing you buddy.."
MAIL_RECIPIENTS=", xyz@abccom"

cat new1.txt | mailx -s "$Subject" $MAIL_RECIPIENTS

# 3  
Old 12-07-2007
actually i have a file


echo " ************************************ " >> perst
echo " The following apps are running currently indicated by their number" >> perst

for i in Archiver1 Cleaner1 Archiver2 Interpolation DBMaint ImportAdapter_CC Extrapolation ZeroConsumptionReport DBSyncListener TnsProvAdapterCheckConfig
count=`ps -aef | grep java | grep $i | wc -l`
echo $i $count >> perst
ps -aef | grep java| grep $i >> /tmp/new1.txt
echo " ********************************************** " >> perst
mail -s "Plz find the attachment for the currently Running application" < /tmp/new1.txt
This Attachment contains the list of all the Applications Running Currently on

Ali Naveed
-------------------------------------------------------------------------can u tell me why i m not getting the content of file new1.txt in my mail
# 4  
Old 12-07-2007
Originally Posted by ali560045
actually i have a file


echo " ************************************ " >> perst
echo " The following apps are running currently indicated by their number" >> perst

for i in Archiver1 Cleaner1 Archiver2 Interpolation DBMaint ImportAdapter_CC Extrapolation ZeroConsumptionReport DBSyncListener TnsProvAdapterCheckConfig
count=`ps -aef | grep java | grep $i | wc -l`
echo $i $count >> perst
ps -aef | grep java| grep $i >> /tmp/new1.txt
echo " ********************************************** " >> perst
mail -s "Plz find the attachment for the currently Running application" < /tmp/new1.txt
This Attachment contains the list of all the Applications Running Currently on

Ali Naveed
-------------------------------------------------------------------------can u tell me why i m not getting the content of file new1.txt in my mail

Above Boldfaced, shows redirection but whats the command in it ??
it should be ..
mail -s "Plz find the attachment for the currently Running application" < cat /tmp/new1.txt

Otherwise use pipe as I gave the example previously..

cat /tmp/new1.txt | mail -s "Plz find the attachment for the currently Running application"

Try this one..hope it'll work. Smilie
# 5  
Old 12-07-2007

instead of using the mail command, use mailx.

it should be like this:

mailx -s "Plz find the attachment for the currently Running application" < /tmp/new1.txt

I just checked the functionality of this in my unix environment:

echo "Hi hw are you" > /tmp/new1.txt
mailx -s "kshfks" < /tmp/new1.txt

And I got the mail in my domain
# 6  
Old 12-07-2007
thanks now i m getting the message but after that i have written some messages

This Attachment contains the list of all the Applications Running Currently on

Ali Naveed
above one its not displaying, can u tell me the syntax
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