Multiple variables from one command

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# 1  
Old 12-07-2007
Multiple variables from one command

I have the following bit of code

FOUND_SEC=`ls -ld $NAME 2>/dev/null|awk '{print $1}'`
FOUND_USER_NAME=`ls -ld $NAME 2>/dev/null|awk '{print $3}'`
FOUND_GROUP=`ls -ld $NAME 2>/dev/null|awk '{print $4}'`

is there a better way to write it to get the same result as it seems silly to me to run the ls command three times when I get the same results
# 2  
Old 12-07-2007
set -- $(ls -ld "$NAME" 2>/dev/null)

# 3  
Old 12-10-2007
thanks that worked a treat

thanks that worked a treat
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