Sort By Date and Time

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Sort By Date and Time
# 22  
Old 01-04-2008
Try leaving a space between the k and the argument:
-k 1 -k 2
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Input file: 100%ABC2 3.44E-12 USA A2M%H02579 0E0 UK 100%ABC2 5.34E-8 UK 100%ABC2 3.25E-12 USA A2M%H02579 5E-45 UK Output file: 100%ABC2 3.44E-12 USA 100%ABC2 3.25E-12 USA 100%ABC2 5.34E-8 UK A2M%H02579 0E0 UK A2M%H02579 5E-45 UK Code try: sort -k1,1 -g -k2 -r input.txt... (2 Replies)
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