Extract duplicate fields in rows

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# 1  
Old 11-28-2007
Extract duplicate fields in rows

I have a input file with formating:

6000000901 ;36200103 ;h3a01f496 ;
2000123605 ;36218982 ;heefa1328 ;
2000273132 ;36246985 ;h08c5cb71 ;
2000041207 ;36246985 ;heef75497 ;

Each fields is seperated by semi-comma. Sometime, the second files is duplicated. So I'd like to extract all the lines which have duplicated second field to a new file. Example for output file:

2000273132 ;36246985 ;h08c5cb71 ;
2000041207 ;36246985 ;heef75497 ;

How to do this with awk or shell script ?
Other programming, I don't know.
# 2  
Old 11-28-2007

sort -t ';' -k 2,2 | awk 'dat==$2{print $0}{dat=$2}' file

# 3  
Old 11-28-2007
Cannot find a better solution right now Smilie

awk 'NR==FNR&&x[$2]++{y[$2];next}$2 in y' FS=";" file file

Use nawk or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk on Solaris.
# 4  
Old 11-29-2007


awk 'BEGIN{FS=" ;"}
if (temp=="")
else if (temp==$2)
	print t_line
	print $0
}' filename

# 5  
Old 11-29-2007
I meant this (nonconsecutive duplicates):

$ cat file
6000000901 ;36200103 ;h3a01f496 ;
2000123605 ;36218982 ;heefa1328 ;
2000273132 ;36246985 ;h08c5cb71 ;
2000041207 ;36246985 ;heef75497 ;
6000000901 ;36200103 ;h3a01f496 ;
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=" ;"}                                       
if (temp=="")
else if (temp==$2)
print t_line
print $0
}' file
2000273132 ;36246985 ;h08c5cb71 ;
2000041207 ;36246985 ;heef75497 ;
$ awk 'NR==FNR&&x[$2]++{y[$2];next}$2 in y' FS=";" file file
6000000901 ;36200103 ;h3a01f496 ;
2000273132 ;36246985 ;h08c5cb71 ;
2000041207 ;36246985 ;heef75497 ;
6000000901 ;36200103 ;h3a01f496 ;

# 6  
Old 12-01-2007
This is my script code
It's very simple shell script

cut -f2 -d";" $1 > /tmp/mdn1
sort /tmp/mdn1 | uniq -d > /tmp/mdn2
cat /tmp/mdn2 | while read line;
echo $line > /tmp/mdn3
x=`cut -f1 -d" " /tmp/mdn3`
echo $x
y=`grep "$x" "$1"`
echo $y >> duplicate
rm -f /tmp/mdn*

$1 is the input file and duplicate is the output file.
# 7  
Old 12-02-2007


I am not quiet sure whether your output should be in the same sequence as original file.

If not, why not sorting it first and then use my awk code.

6000000901 ;36200103 ;h3a01f496 ;
2000123605 ;36218982 ;heefa1328 ;
2000273132 ;36246985 ;h08c5cb71 ;
2000041207 ;36246985 ;heef75497 ;
6000000901 ;36200103 ;h3a01f496 ;

sort +1 file:

6000000901 ;36200103 ;h3a01f496 ;
6000000901 ;36200103 ;h3a01f496 ;
2000123605 ;36218982 ;heefa1328 ;
2000273132 ;36246985 ;h08c5cb71 ;
2000041207 ;36246985 ;heef75497 ;

Then it is ok to use my awk code.
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