NAWK getline function

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# 1  
Old 11-26-2007
NAWK getline function


I am using a Solaris OS here. My intention is to print the 2nd field if the first field matches "APPLE=". I am using the "getline" function here (shown below), but it doesn;t work. Can any experts give me some advice?



nawk '{
if (($1 < getline "/home/myscript/input") == "APPLE=") {number = $2; print number}}'

# 2  
Old 11-26-2007
I would think you could just do something like this:
cat /home/myscript/input | awk '{ /APPLE=/ { print $2 }'

# 3  
Old 11-27-2007
Hi Smiling Dragon,

Thanks for your suggestion . I have thought about that too. However, this awk statement of mine is being embedded in a larger awk program. It would be cleaner and more convenient to use " getline " to get the input file as there are more than 10 input files. In this example i am only showing one input file.
# 4  
Old 11-27-2007
I would think you could just do something like this:
cat /home/myscript/input | awk '{ /APPLE=/ { print $2 }'

Or just:
awk '{ /APPLE=/ { print $2 }' /home/myscript/input

We don't need that cat process. Doing this with getline would be crazy, but this should be close:
awk 'BEGIN { while (getline < "/home/myscript/input") { if ($1 == "APPLE=") print $2 } }'

1. You need the BEGIN to run the awk script before awk tries to use the default stdin.
2. You need to to explicitly loop reading via getline
3. getline does not return the data it reads, it returns a success code.
# 5  
Old 11-27-2007
Hi Perderabo,

Thanks alot!!
Your code works and thanks for the explanation too!!
# 6  
Old 11-28-2007
Originally Posted by Raynon

I am using a Solaris OS here. My intention is to print the 2nd field if the first field matches "APPLE=". I am using the "getline" function here (shown below), but it doesn;t work. Can any experts give me some advice?



nawk '{
if (($1 < getline "/home/myscript/input") == "APPLE=") {number = $2; print number}}'

you don't need the getline.
awk '/APPLE=/{print $2}' /home/myscript/input

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