Find a file in sub-directories.. o/p just the path

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Find a file in sub-directories.. o/p just the path
# 1  
Old 11-22-2007
Error Find a file in sub-directories.. o/p just the path

Hello All,
I am somehow stumped with this ting.
'Find' will sure show me.. but I want only thepath of all the occurences of the file in any of the sub-dirs..

Any help will be sincerely appreciated.
# 2  
Old 11-22-2007
MySQL Oops! lack of presence of mind!

I was unnecesarily bugging you all..
find /path -name <filename>

did the trick!

anyways.. thanx to all..
# 3  
Old 11-22-2007
sed 's [^/]*$  ' <(find . -type f)

Edit: it seams I did not understand the question Smilie
# 4  
Old 11-23-2007
Lightbulb Oops! lack of presence of mind!

I was unnecesarily bugging you all..
find /path -name <filename>

did the trick!

anyways.. thanx to all..
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