Shellscript to Sudo other account

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# 1  
Old 11-22-2007
Shellscript to Sudo other account


I have to write a shell script to sudo other account. Foreg,
i am working in account ramdev1, i have a sudo access where through shell script i need to sudo another account
ramdev2 and read a file "" get those data and save it in a .txt file and return it?

Since i am new to shell script. please do provide a soln. to this. This is really urgent. Expecting positive response.

# 2  
Old 11-22-2007
Search 'sudo' against the forum.
# 3  
Old 11-26-2007

I have used "su" to sudo an account ramdev2, now i need to read a file "" in a folder /ramenv ,parse it and get only the port no. in it and store it in a .txt file and return it. Since i am pretty much new in reading the file and storing it in a .txt pls. do provide me with an example. Expecting postive response..

# 4  
Old 11-26-2007
If you used 'su' then you did not sudo. Anyway... for parsing a file, suggest you read through 12 ways to parse a file. That should be a good start. Then regarding storing a variable in a file, go through the man page of any shell (sh/bash/ksh) and search for redirection. That will help too.
# 5  
Old 11-26-2007
Originally Posted by sachin.tendulka

I have used "su" to sudo an account ramdev2, now i need to read a file "" in a folder /ramenv ,parse it and get only the port no. in it and store it in a .txt file and return it. Since i am pretty much new in reading the file and storing it in a .txt pls. do provide me with an example. Expecting postive response..


su is used to switch user account.
For ex:
By default you logged in into default user, but whn you want to switch the user (say your account ) then you can use "su" command,

su - xyz
password: *******

# 6  
Old 11-26-2007
Would be interested in seeing your script.
Expecting postive response..

# 7  
Old 11-26-2007

Thank u for the response..I am a Java/J2EE guy. Where i have been a given a shell script to write. Since i am new to this and since you are the moderator can you help me with an example shellscript to sudo other account and
read a file "" and get only the port no. in it and store it in ram.txt file and return it. Since this is urgent to be delivered can provide me with an example atleast.
So that i can modify it according to my need.

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