not showing restore information while run script

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# 1  
Old 11-20-2007
not showing restore information while run script


I have the following script to restore file and grep information. However, once it restore file, it showing a lot useless information and different to check which file have the statement "John price $200". Can I not show any information while running script. It only show..when found the string?
echo Please input list file name:
read listn
for file in `cat $listn.txt`
restore_file $file
cat $file |grep "John price $200"

expect output:
filename: XXXXXX
found string: John price $200
# 2  
Old 11-20-2007
Originally Posted by happyv

I have the following script to restore file and grep information. However, once it restore file, it showing a lot useless information and different to check which file have the statement "John price $200". Can I not show any information while running script. It only show..when found the string?
echo Please input list file name:
read listn
for file in `cat $listn.txt`
restore_file $file
cat $file |grep "John price $200"

expect output:
filename: XXXXXX
found string: John price $200
Try this:
echo Please input list file name:
read listn

for file in `cat $listn.txt`
   restore_file $file > /dev/null 2>&1
   grep "John price $200" $file > /dev/null 2>&1
   (( ! $? )) && printf "filename: $file \nfound string: \"John price $200\"\n"

(not tested)

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