grep string and output filename

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# 1  
Old 11-19-2007
grep string and output filename


I have over 200 files and some of them have the string like "John price $200". I would like to grep the string. Then output the filename which found the string.

I have the following script, but it ONLY output the string
echo Please input list file name:
read listn
for file in `cat $listn.txt`
cat $file |grep "John price $200"

expect output:
filename: XXXXXX
found string: John price $200

# 2  
Old 11-20-2007
Just change the commandline to grep to be:
grep "John price $200" $file /dev/null

Can use cut or awk to pick apart the output if you have to have it formatted differently
# 3  
Old 11-20-2007
not sure what OS you are using, but grep -l (that's a lowercase L) will show just the filename, not the line that matches. Do a man on grep and it should tell you how to get just the name, or tell us the os and we might be able to help some more.
# 4  
Old 11-20-2007
thx..but how can I check my OS in unix?
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