Awk and Variables
I have some files in metrica (assume a pre-defined format) which i need to process and have some values in a .csv file. The script that does this, part of which is:
$CATCMD $fileIN | \
awk -f scripts/OMParser.awk -v host=$host >> $fileOUT
procMetricaOMData $host $fileIN output/om/$om-$app.csv
The Awk script goes like this:
BEGIN {FS=" "; printf("%s,", host)}
$1 !~ /^#/ && $1 !~ /{/ && $1 !~ /}/ && $2 !~ /{/ {
if ($1 == "start") { printf("%s:%s,", substr($2,1,2),substr($2,3,2)) }
else if ($1 == "end") { printf("%s:%s,", substr($2,1,2),substr($2,3,2)) }
else { printf("%s,",$2) }
END {printf("\n")}
The expected output should be something like:
HOST,WEEK,WEEKDAY,day,node,HOUR,start,end,SAMPLING INTERVAL,TotalRequest,MSRequest,NWIRequest,SMSBrequest,SMSBack,SMSBNack,MSRequestSuccess,NWIRequestS uccess,SMSCCongestion,ApplicationCongestion,InvalidParameters,MSIllegalSubscriber,MWIllegalSubscribe r,ApplicationUnavailble,UCPError,SMPPError,
When i run my scripts under Cygwin, everything works fine and the output is as expected.
When i run this script under Solaris OS using /usr/bin/awk, the output is:
HOST,WEEK,WEEKDAY,day,node,HOUR,start,end,SAMPLING INTERVAL,TotalRequest,MSRequest,NWIRequest,SMSBrequest,SMSBack,SMSBNack,MSRequestSuccess,NWIRequestS uccess,SMSCCongestion,ApplicationCongestion,InvalidParameters,MSIllegalSubscriber,MWIllegalSubscribe r,ApplicationUnavailble,UCPError,SMPPError,
Here, looking at the 2,3,4th line, the first field (hostname) is not populated.
When i run the script using /usr/xpg4/bin/awk, i get the following error:
/usr/xpg4/bin/awk: file "/opt/redknee/traffic/scripts/OMParser.awk": line 2: /{/: syntax error Context is:
>>> =" "; printf("%s,", host)}
>>> $1 !~ /^#/ && $1 !~ /{/ <<<
Looking at the man pages for awk, i could make out that /usr/bin/awk does not support variable assignment (guessing). But when i tried to use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk, i get this error. I do not have an option to use gawk and have to use the awk that is available by default in SUN OS. Any idea what might be going wrong? I wish to have the value of a variable (hostname in my case) i use in my script to be populated within the AWK script. Is there any other way to do that?
Help is much appreciated.