Pop up dialog box on remote computers

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# 22  
Old 11-09-2007
Originally Posted by deaconf19
how do i check if it is 0.0?
You have to capture that when the user logs on.

what is EOF?
It's a way of putting data to be used as stdin inline.

command <<tag

I personally use EOF as the tag.
# 23  
Old 11-09-2007
i ran your command and this is what i got

tcgetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device
ioctl I_FIND ttcompat: Inappropriate ioctl for device
# 24  
Old 11-09-2007
rsh can not be a redirected command correct?
# 25  
Old 11-09-2007
Originally Posted by deaconf19
rsh can not be a redirected command correct?
$ echo "echo hello" | rsh somehost
tcgetattr: Invalid argument
ioctl I_PUSH ttcompat: No such device or address

It would seem so! I often redirect the output from rsh, so am surprised you can't do the input. You will have to do it as an argument.

rsh host "all those things I want to do"

By the way, what are you rsh'ing to and as who?
# 26  
Old 11-09-2007
a binary file in the remote computers /h/test/bin directory.

this is how i would do it manually
from my local machine i open a terminal and type the following

telnet test004
user: joe
pass: xxx

once in i cd /h/test/bin
the i type setenv DISPLAY:0.0
once done i do ./Msg "hi"

then it will show a dialog box on that remote machines screen saying hi with an ok button to close it.

what i want to do is what it typed above but to multiple computers at once using that Msg program
# 27  
Old 11-09-2007
then users are not root. so when i log in the terminal it looks like this

# 28  
Old 11-09-2007
i figured it out. i was doing setenv DISPLAY:0.0 i needed to do setenv DISPLAY unix:0.0
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