sed : remove whitespace

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# 1  
Old 11-06-2007
sed : remove whitespace

I'm trying to remove the whitespace at the end of each line of a text file in ksh.

Im using

sed s/ $//g' file1.txt > file2.txt

It's not working. Any clues?
# 2  
Old 11-06-2007
sed 's/ $//'  file1.txt > file2.txt # Remove the last space at eol
sed 's/ $//g' file1.txt > file2.txt # Remove all spaces at eol

# 3  
Old 11-06-2007
Originally Posted by aigles
sed 's/ $//'  file1.txt > file2.txt # Remove the last space at eol
sed 's/ $//g' file1.txt > file2.txt # Remove all spaces at eol

I don't think that will work. You need
sed 's/ *$//' file1.txt > file2.txt

# 4  
Old 11-06-2007
sed 's/ $//'  file1.txt > file2.txt # Remove the last space at eol
sed 's/ *$//' file1.txt > file2.txt # Remove all spaces at eol

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