Schedule an interactive shell script

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# 1  
Old 11-06-2007
Schedule an interactive shell script


I need to schedule a shell script which executes another shell script along with a series of other commands.
When the inner shell script is executed it prompts for a password.....
This inner shell cannot be changed

How can I do this????

# 2  
Old 11-06-2007
for periodic scheduling of a shell script, check out cron. this gives more information.
for one time scheduling, check the at command.

to automate inputting of password to the inner script, check out Expect
# 3  
Old 11-06-2007
hi Yogesh ,

I have been ardent lover of this forum and love to read the answer and
have been greately moved by all the moderators for their support .
What I dont know is that , I m using Red Hat 8.00 and would like to have
some expect script and detailed how it works ?? will you pls spare some
of your time and guide me ?? Thanks in advance to all .
Vakharia M J
# 4  
Old 11-06-2007
check if this gives you some understanding
# 5  
Old 11-08-2007
Dear Savant

Let me wish you A Happy Dipawali and thnaks lot for your document on
expect command will surely implement and will give feedback the
result after three days as there are holidyas .Last but not least
My sincere thanks to you for sharing you knowledge.Smilie
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