shell script to find and replace string in multiple files

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting shell script to find and replace string in multiple files
# 8  
Old 11-07-2007
Doubling \ works fine :
$ echo '  c:\mydocuments\pictures ' | sed 's_c:\\mydocuments\\pictures_d:/mypics/personal_'

# 9  
Old 05-16-2008
script overwrites all the files in directory

Originally Posted by aigles
Doubling \ works fine :
$ echo '  c:\mydocuments\pictures ' | sed 's_c:\\mydocuments\\pictures_d:/mypics/personal_'

used the script above modified for my needs:

cd deploy
for y in `ls *.xml`;
sed 's_OLD.VALUE_NEW.VALUE_' $y > temp; mv temp $y;

works great except one thing: it overwrites all xml files changing their time stamp. is it possible to have the script updating only the ones that have OLD.VALUEs?
# 10  
Old 05-17-2008
Make the mv conditional.

Also lose the silly `ls *`

cd deploy
for y in *
  sed 's_OLD.VALUE_NEW.VALUE_' "$y" >temp
  if cmp temp "$y" >/dev/null
    rm temp
    mv temp "$y"

# 11  
Old 05-20-2008
Thank you era, works like a charm

Originally Posted by era
Make the mv conditional.

Also lose the silly `ls *`

cd deploy
for y in *
  sed 's_OLD.VALUE_NEW.VALUE_' "$y" >temp
  if cmp temp "$y" >/dev/null
    rm temp
    mv temp "$y"

# 12  
Old 01-15-2009
find and replace coding in perl

#bash#./ --prod \/opt\/ WebSphere5 --cob \/opt\/was6mig\/WebSphere5 -base

use File::Find;
use Getopt::Long;
#Modify the Basepath with new copied WAS5 copied location.
$dmPath="/dm5"; # don't worry about this $basePath="/app/WebSphere6/profiles";
sub ModFileByRegex {
my ($tok, $repl, $fpat, $Path) = (@_);
my $cnt = 0;
sub fwanted {
-f &&
$File::Find::name =~ /$fpat/ && do {
open (INF, $File::Find::name) || die "cannot open $File::Find::name : $!";
open (TMPF, ">$tmpf") || die "cannot open $tmpf for writing: $!";
my @input = <INF>;
my $change = grep { s/$tok/$repl/g } @input;
if ($change > 0) {
close INF;
print TMPF @input;
close TMPF;
print "updating/saving copy of $File::Find::name\n";
rename $File::Find::name, $File::Find::name . ".org";
print `cp -p $tmpf $File::Find::name\n`;
print "searching from $Path for $tok in files called $fpat\n";
find (\&fwanted, $Path);
return ($cnt);
sub findDirByRegex {
my ($tok, $repl, $Path) = (@_);
my $cnt = 0;
sub wanted {
-d &&
$File::Find::name =~ /$tok[\w\.]*?$/ &&
push @DIRL, $File::Find::name;
print "Looking for directories from $Path called $tok\n";
find (\&wanted, $Path);
while ($_ = pop @DIRL) {
$src = $_;
print "rename $src, $_\n";
rename $src, $_ || warn "could not rename last file, please check";
return ($cnt);
%optctl = ();
GetOptions (\%optctl, "prod=s", "cob=s", "dmgr", "base");
print "options set:\n\n";
print "prod system (source system) :" . $optctl{"prod"} . "\n";; print "cob system (target system) :" . $optctl{"cob"} . "\n"; print "Do Deployment Manager\n" if ($optctl{"dmgr"} == 1); print "Do Base WebSphere\n" if ($optctl{"base"} == 1);
print "\n\n";
if ($optctl{"dmgr"} == 1) {
print "updating Deployment Manager XML files\n";
$cnt = ModFileByRegex ($optctl{"prod"}, $optctl{"cob"}, ".*", $dmPath);
print "$cnt XML files were updated\n"; }
if ($optctl{"base"} == 1) {
print "updating WebSphere Base XML files\n";
$cnt = ModFileByRegex ($optctl{"prod"}, $optctl{"cob"}, ".*", $basePath);
print "$cnt XML files were updated\n"; }
if ($optctl{"dmgr"} == 1) {
print "updating Deployment Manager base Directory Names\n";
$cnt = findDirByRegex ($optctl{"prod"}, $optctl{"cob"}, $dmPath);
print "$cnt directory names updated\n"; }
if ($optctl{"base"} == 1) {
print "updating WebSphere base Directory Names\n";
$cnt = findDirByRegex ($optctl{"prod"}, $optctl{"cob"}, $basePath);
print "$cnt directory names updated\n"; }
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