Split A File Into 2 Files

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# 8  
Old 11-04-2007
Sorry For Asking You So Detailed Message

I am very sorry as i am new to scripting. Can you please help me with the starting of the code.
Like the whole script file so that based on that i can execute and understand the scripting. Sorry for asking you so detailed answer. And please asssume my input filename is input.dat. Based on this please help me in a neat script file.

Thanks in advance
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BBDB-AREACODE-SPLIT.PL(1)				      General Commands Manual					 BBDB-AREACODE-SPLIT.PL(1)

bbdb-areacode-split - Looks for phone numbers in your .bbdb SYNOPSIS
bbdb-areacode-split <old-code> <new-code> <exchanges-file> [bbdb] DESCRIPTION
Looks for phone numbers in your .bbdb with a particular area code and one of a set of exchanges and changes the area code. The old and new area codes are specified on the command line, as is the location of a file that contains the exchanges that are being changed. (The format of that file is very loose. Every three digit sequence will be used.) This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. Instead, it has docu- mentation in the GNU Info format; see below. SEE ALSO
bbdb-cid(1), bbdb-unlazy-lock(1). bbdb-srv(1). The bbdb is fully documented by The insidious Big Brother Database for mail and news, available via the Infonode bbdb AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Joerg Jaspert (JJ) <joerg@goliathbbs.dnsalias.net>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). March 31, 2002 BBDB-AREACODE-SPLIT.PL(1)