Parsing a line in Shell Script

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# 1  
Old 10-31-2007
Parsing a line in Shell Script

I have record line somthing like below with first line showing char spacing not real record line
1 | 2 | 3rd Field--------------|-4th field--| This is charcatersapcing of line

I shoudl get two line from above line
1st line should
1 | 2 | 3rd Field-------------|4th field--| This is charcatersapcing of line
DF125000000000000000000000000000000 Here the second field is (2nd - 4th filed in the above line

2ndst line should
1 | 2 | 3rd Field---------------|-4thfield--| This is charcatersapcing of line
respective (ie 1 2 3 4) Field lenths in all the records are same
Please let me know what is best way of doing this.


Last edited by unishiva; 10-31-2007 at 09:35 PM..
# 2  
Old 11-01-2007
both the first line and second line looks similar to me

except for the difference in the second line as ".7890000000000"

Is that the only difference you are interested in ?
# 3  
Old 11-01-2007
can you please be more appropriate....on the question......with more specific examples of the questions......
# 4  
Old 11-01-2007
Sorry for the confusion

Let me put it simple ..I wanted crate two lines by parsing one lin by exracting certian fields

I have record line somthing like below (Origanal line before Parsing)


Field discription :
DF - FirstField (Character Position 1 to 2)
02000 - Second Field (Characters position 3 to 7)
XX third Field (Characters position 8 to 9)
YYYY Fourth Field (Characters position 10 to 13)
00200.89 fifth Field (Characters position 14 to 21)
ZZ sixth Field (Characters position 22 to 23)
PPPP seventh Field (Characters position 24 to 27)
00800 eightth Field (Characters position 28 to 32)

I wanted to create two new line by parsing above line (each line having again 7 fields)
1st line should loolk line
DF - First Field (Same as that of origanal iine)
01200 - Second Field ( This is Difference between 2ndfiled and 8th Field of origanla line)

All other fields are 0's

2nd Line should look like

DF - First Field (Same as that of origanal iine)
00800 - Second Field ( This is same as that of the 8th Field of Origanal line)
XX - thrid field same as that of origanal line
YYYY - fourth field Same as that of the origanal line
00200.89 - Fifth field same as that of orignal line
All other fields should be zeros

I hope this time it is clear. If you still some clarification .. I will write back.
Thanks for all your help.

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