Environment seetting

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Environment seetting
# 1  
Old 10-31-2007
Environment seetting

Hi Frinds,
I am getting following error while executing the script.
Can anybody suggest how to overcome this ?
Is environment seetting wrong ?

$ ksh hyp_incoming.csh
hyp_incoming.csh: !/bin/csh: not found
hyp_incoming.csh[3]: /usr/local/hyperion/log/run_log.txt: cannot create
hyp_incoming.csh[4]: setenv: not found
hyp_incoming.csh[5]: setenv: not found
hyp_incoming.csh[6]: setenv: not found
hyp_incoming.csh[7]: inst: not found
hyp_incoming.csh[10]: /bin/sqlldr: not found
hyp_incoming.csh[12]: /bin/sqlldr: not found
$ vi hyp_incoming.csh
"hyp_incoming.csh" 13 lines, 490 characters
# 2  
Old 10-31-2007
You need to post the first few lines of the script, but it looks like the shebang line
(#!/bin/csh) at the very top cannot find the csh shell - or the line itself is somehow malformed.
# 3  
Old 10-31-2007
Be sure that the first line inside your script starts with:
Don't forget the hash!
Best regards joerg
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