associate array problems in awk

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# 1  
Old 10-31-2007
associate array problems in awk

i have 3 fields in a file and linked them through 2 associative arrays.. the problem is one of the associative array is working while the other is not.. the code part is:
awk ' BEGIN {
rc = getline < "ICX_RULES"

while ( rc == 1 )
print lengthofCallingNumber[10]
print ruleCondition[044]
rc = getline < "ICX_RULES"


a sample of the file "ICX_RULES" is :

although print lengthofCallingNumber[10] is giving result as: X1
but, print ruleCondition[044] is not yeilding any result.
please help, and please avoid use of if condition as a part of your solution
# 2  
Old 10-31-2007
Try this way:

awk -F\| '
print lengthofCallingNumber[10]
print ruleCondition[044]
}' ICX

# 3  
Old 10-31-2007
Indexes are take as strings, so you must use the following syntax :
print ruleCondition["044"]

When you want to force integer indexes, you can do :

Another way to code your awk program :
awk -F\| '

   rule_id        = $1
   rule_parameter = $2
   rule_length    = $3

   lengthofCallingNumber[rule_length] = rule_parameter
   ruleCondition[rule_parameter]      = rule_id


  # Proceed record from other_file

   print lengthofCallingNumber[10]
   print ruleCondition["044"]

' ICX_RULES other_file

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