awk and print

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# 1  
Old 10-30-2007
awk and print


What is the correct syntax for use a variable value within a print sentence :


ls -l $VAR2/*.LOG | grep -v $VAR1 | nawk -F " " '{ print "mv "$9 " /backup/BACKUP/backup_db_type/$VAR1_arch/."}' >

Is this case i need to print $VAR1 within print command, i get only $VAR1 instead its value.

# 2  
Old 10-30-2007
ls -l $VAR2/*.LOG | \
grep -v $VAR1 | \
nawk -F " " -v V=$VAR1 '{ print "mv " $9 " /backup/BACKUP/backup_db_type/" V "_arch/."}' >

ls -l $VAR2/*.LOG | \
nawk -F " " -v V=$VAR1 '$0 !~V { print "mv " $9 " /backup/BACKUP/backup_db_type/" V "_arch/."}' >

# 3  
Old 10-30-2007
Thank you very much aigles.
# 4  
Old 10-30-2007
if u want to print var on awk:

VAR="some data"

cat /tmp/file | awk '{print "'$VAR'",$0}' > /tmp/file.var
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