size of a file that iam ftp ing

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# 1  
Old 10-30-2007
size of a file that iam ftp ing


I want to compare the size of the files in my local machine before ftp ing it and the size of the file in the remote machine i.e after ftping . SO that the ftp is successful .
# 2  
Old 10-30-2007
this might help you to get an alternative solution
# 3  
Old 10-30-2007
one of the requirement is to find the size of the files in the remote machine


one of the requirement is to find the size of the files in the remote machine that got transferred .
# 4  
Old 10-30-2007
one of the ways via 'ftp'.....
dir myRemoteFile myLocalOutputFile

Once out of the 'ftp' session, parse the content of 'myLocalOutputFile' file to find the size of the remote file.
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