autorep command to get autosys command

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting autorep command to get autosys command
# 1  
Old 10-27-2007
autorep command to get autosys command

Hi, how can i use unix shell command to get the autosys commands
for a set of given jobs?

autorep -J EMP% -w
returns all autosys jobnames starting with EMP and runtimes

However, i also want to see the autosys 'command' corresponding to the above jobs.

I don't want to sql query the autosys database

-srinivas yelamanchili
# 2  
Old 11-12-2007
i got the answer

autorep -J EMP% -q
returns all autosys jobnames starting with EMP and their
corresponding attributes like command, machine, ...

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