Spurious line feeds

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# 1  
Old 10-26-2007
Spurious line feeds

Hi all,

I know this is **awfully** general but.....

I have a script which does, basically...

for file in `find command`; do

some stuff
more stuff

echo '.\c'


I want to output the '.' char just to give an idea of progress. However, it works fine for a while and then I start getting spurious line feeds on the screen. The script still works and terminates OK but.....
Has anyone seen anything like this before? I thought it *might* be the terminal emulator (putty) I am using but it does it via a standard telnet via (under windows) as well.

Solaris 2.8

# 2  
Old 10-26-2007
I just tried a loop from the command line using putty on my box. It just produced endless dots with no newlines. Except at the end.

You must be getting output to stdout or stderr from "some stuff && more stuff". Can you redirect the output of some stuff && more stuff to the bit bucket or to a file?
# 3  
Old 10-29-2007
Thanks for the input - I have 'inherited' this script and the original author was/is *very* fond of using function calls (even ones that are only called once!!). "stuff" and "more stuff" includes such calls so I will have to dig a bit deeper.

Thanks again
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